Winner below the cut. Challenge #17 will be posted today, but I'm afraid I don't have time at the moment. But it will by posted by tonight. ( Winners )
Sorry this is so late in the day. There'll be a new challenge tuesday with caps of Jordan and Kyle. I also realized this was challenge 16 not 15, and that I hadn't yet done challenge 15's banners. So I'll get on that. ( Vote )
Well I'm back but I have to say I'm a bit disappointed. Only 5 entries, certainly not enough to do anything with. So I'm forced to extend another week. Lets get those entries in!
This would-be mid-week reminder is more of an announcement. I'm going to be unavailable this week, starting tomorrow, so the current challenge is going to be a bit open ended. I should be back next saturday so I'll post voting next sunday. There are currently no entries, so I'd like to see some when I get back. Good luck, I'll be back next sunday.